- Promotion of Health Management
Promotion of Health Management
FUKUVI Group is committed to health management based on the following objectives and promotion system.
FUKUVI Group Health Management Declaration
Health Management System Diagram
Under the leadership of the President (Chief Health Management Officer) and in cooperation with members of related departments, experts, health insurance unions, and labor unions, we are implementing various initiatives to promote health management.

Health Management Strategy Map
We have created a health management strategy map based on the belief that enabling all employees of the Group to perform their duties with vitality, both physically and mentally, will lead to the resolution of various challenges.

Main Initiatives
Promotion of Employee Health
- Regular health checkup attendance rate 100%
- Implementation of specific health guidance
Women's Health Promotion
- Recommendations for screening for cancers
specific to womens
Measures to Prevent Mass Infection
- Implementation of new coronavirus and influenza
Establishment of an employee consultation service and follow-up system Establishment of EAP Promotion Office
- Individual counseling/interviews
- Lateral support for managers and supervisors
- Implementation of stress checks
(self-care, work environment improvement) - Implementation of mental health related training
Decrease in Smoking Rates
Promotion of Work-Life Balance
- Countermeasures against long working hours
- Encourage male employees to take paternity leave.
Initiative Results
Fiscal Year 2022 | Fiscal Year 2023 | |
Regular health checkup implementation rate | 100% | 100% |
Specific insurance guidance implementation rate | 29.4% | 23.6% |
Stress check examination rate | 89.4% | 93.0% |
Smoking rate | 22.0% | 21.0% |
Rate of male employee paternity leave taken | 16.8% | 33.3% |
Certified as one of 2024 Excellent Corporations for Health Management (Large Corporation Category).
Our company has been certified as an "Excellent Health Management Corporation 2024 (Large Corporation Category)" under the "Excellent Health Management Corporation Certification System" jointly administered by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) and the Japan Health Council.